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2015 IEEE 3rd Working Conference on Software Visualization (VISSOFT),
September 27-28, 2015,
Bremen, Germany
Sun, Sep 27, 14:00 - 15:30, GW2 B3009 (Chair: Alexandre Bergel)
Technical Papers
New Ideas and Emerging Results
Polyhedral User Mapping and Assistant Visualizer Tool for the R-Stream Auto-Parallelizing Compiler
Eric Papenhausen,
Bing Wang,
M. Harper Langston,
Muthu Baskaran,
Tom Henretty,
Taku Izubuchi,
Ann Johnson,
Chulwoo Jung,
Meifeng Lin,
Benoit Meister,
Klaus Mueller, and
Richard Lethin
(Stony Brook University, USA; Reservoir Labs, USA; Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA)
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