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48th Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC 2016),
June 19–21, 2016,
Cambridge, MA, USA
Session 1A
Geometric Median in Nearly Linear Time
Michael B. Cohen,
Yin Tat Lee,
Gary Miller,
Jakub Pachocki, and
Aaron Sidford
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA; Carnegie Mellon University, USA; Microsoft Research, USA)
Session 1B
Session 2A
Session 2B
Session 3A
Session 3B
Session 4A
Session 4B
Session 5
Session 6A
Session 6B
Session 7A
A Lower Bound for the Distributed Lovász Local Lemma
Sebastian Brandt,
Orr Fischer,
Juho Hirvonen,
Barbara Keller,
Tuomo Lempiäinen,
Joel Rybicki,
Jukka Suomela, and
Jara Uitto
(ETH Zurich, Switzerland; Tel Aviv University, Israel; Aalto University, Finland; Bitsplitters, Switzerland)
Session 7B
Ramanujan Coverings of Graphs
Chris Hall,
Doron Puder, and
William F. Sawin
(University of Wyoming, USA; Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton, USA; Princeton University, USA)
Session 8A
Routing under Balance
Alina Ene,
Gary Miller,
Jakub Pachocki, and
Aaron Sidford
(University of Warwick, UK; Carnegie Mellon University, USA; Microsoft Research, USA)
Session 8B
Session 9
Reed-Muller Codes Achieve Capacity on Erasure Channels
Shrinivas Kudekar,
Santhosh Kumar,
Marco Mondelli,
Henry D. Pfister,
Eren Şaşoğlu, and
Rüdiger Urbanke
(Qualcomm Research, USA; Texas A&M University, USA; EPFL, Switzerland; Duke University, USA; Intel, USA)
Session 10A
Session 10B
Separations in Query Complexity Based on Pointer Functions
Andris Ambainis,
Kaspars Balodis,
Aleksandrs Belovs,
Troy Lee,
Miklos Santha, and
Juris Smotrovs
(University of Latvia, Latvia; CWI, Netherlands; Nanyang Technological University, Singapore; National University of Singapore, Singapore; CNRS, France)
Session 11A
Session 11B
Sample-Optimal Tomography of Quantum States
Jeongwan Haah,
Aram W. Harrow,
Zhengfeng Ji,
Xiaodi Wu, and
Nengkun Yu
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA; University of Technology Sydney, Australia; University of Waterloo, Canada; Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences, China; University of Oregon, USA; University of Guelph, Canada)
Session 12A
Session 12B
Session 13A
Algorithmic Stability for Adaptive Data Analysis
Raef Bassily,
Kobbi Nissim,
Adam Smith,
Thomas Steinke,
Uri Stemmer, and
Jonathan Ullman
(University of California at San Diego, USA; Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel; Harvard University, USA; Pennsylvania State University, USA; Northeastern University, USA)
Session 13B
Textbook Non-malleable Commitments
Vipul Goyal,
Omkant Pandey, and
Silas Richelson
(Microsoft Research, India; Drexel University, USA; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)
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