SPLASH Workshops 2020
2020 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Systems, Programming, Languages, and Applications: Software for Humanity (SPLASH Workshops 2020)
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22th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Formal Techniques for Java-Like Programs (FTfJP 2020), July 23, 2020, Virtual, USA

FTfJP 2020 – Proceedings

Contents - Abstracts - Authors

22th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Formal Techniques for Java-Like Programs (FTfJP 2020)


Title Page
Message from the Chair


Prusti: Deductive Verification for Rust (Keynote)
Alexander J. Summers
(University of British Columbia, Canada)
Publisher's Version Info
History-Based Specification and Verification of Java Collections in KeY (Keynote)
Frank S. de Boer and Hans-Dieter A. Hiep
(CWI, Netherlands)
Publisher's Version


An Inductive Abstract Semantics for coFJ
Pietro Barbieri, Francesco Dagnino, and Elena Zucca
(University of Genoa, Italy)
Publisher's Version
Towards Verified Construction of Correct and Optimised GPU Software
Marieke Huisman and Anton Wijs
(University of Twente, Netherlands; Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands)
Publisher's Version
ConSysT: Tunable, Safe Consistency Meets Object-Oriented Programming
Mirko Köhler, Nafise Eskandani Masoule, Alessandro Margara, and Guido Salvaneschi
(TU Darmstadt, Germany; Politecnico di Milano, Italy; University of St. Gallen, Switzerland)
Publisher's Version
Salsa: Static Analysis of Serialization Features
Joanna C. S. Santos, Reese A. Jones, and Mehdi Mirakhorli
(Rochester Institute of Technology, USA)
Publisher's Version Info
A Separation Logic to Verify Termination of Busy-Waiting for Abrupt Program Exit
Tobias Reinhard, Amin Timany, and Bart Jacobs
(KU Leuven, Belgium; Aarhus University, Denmark)
Publisher's Version

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