SPLASH Workshops 2019
2019 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Systems, Programming, Languages, and Applications: Software for Humanity (SPLASH Workshops 2019)
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2019 ACM SIGPLAN SPLASH-E Symposium (SPLASH-E 2019)
October 25, 2019
Athens, Greece
SPLASH-E 2019 – Proceedings
2019 ACM SIGPLAN SPLASH-E Symposium (SPLASH-E 2019)
Title Page
Welcome from the Chair
Parallelism in Practice: Experiences Teaching Concurrency and Parallelism in an Undergraduate OS Course
Charlie Curtsinger
(Grinnell College, USA)
Publisher's Version
Microsoft MakeCode: Embedded Programming for Education, in Blocks and TypeScript
Thomas Ball
Abhijith Chatra
Peli de Halleux
Steve Hodges
Michał Moskal
, and
Jacqueline Russell
(Microsoft Research, USA; Microsoft, USA; Microsoft Research, UK)
Publisher's Version
Towards Answering “Am I on the Right Track?” Automatically using Program Synthesis
Molly Q Feldman
Yiting Wang
William E. Byrd
François Guimbretière
, and
Erik Andersen
(Cornell University, USA; University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA)
Publisher's Version
Evaluating ProDirect Manipulation in Hour of Code
Quan Do
Kiersten Campbell
Emmie Hine
Dzung Pham
Alex Taylor
Iris Howley
, and
Daniel W. Barowy
(Williams College, USA)
Publisher's Version
Experiences in Bridging from Functional to Object-Oriented Programming
Igor Moreno Santos
Matthias Hauswirth
, and
Nathaniel Nystrom
(USI Lugano, Switzerland)
Publisher's Version
ChocoPy: A Programming Language for Compilers Courses
Rohan Padhye
Koushik Sen
, and
Paul N. Hilfinger
(University of California at Berkeley, USA)
Publisher's Version
Theia: Automatically Generating Correct Program State Visualizations
Josh Pollock
Jared Roesch
Doug Woos
, and
Zachary Tatlock
(University of Washington, USA; Brown University, USA)
Publisher's Version
Lambdulus: Teaching Lambda Calculus Practically
Jan Sliacky
Petr Maj
(Czech Technical University, Czechia)
Publisher's Version
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