SPLASH Workshops 2018
2018 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Systems, Programming, Languages, and Applications: Software for Humanity (SPLASH Workshops 2018)
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5th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Reactive and Event-Based Languages and Systems (REBLS 2018), November 4, 2018, Boston, MA, USA

REBLS 2018 – Proceedings

Contents - Abstracts - Authors

5th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Reactive and Event-Based Languages and Systems (REBLS 2018)


Title Page
Message from the Chairs

Embedded Systems and IoT

Synthesizing Manually Verifiable Code for Statecharts
Steven Smyth, Christian Motika, and Reinhard von Hanxleden
(University of Kiel, Germany; Philotech Systementwicklung und Software, Germany)
Publisher's Version
RHEA: A Reactive, Heterogeneous, Extensible, and Abstract Framework for Dataflow Programming
Orestis Melkonian and Angelos Charalambidis
(NCSR, Greece; Utrecht University, Netherlands)
Publisher's Version

Multitier and Distributed Computing

Reactive Chatbot Programming
Guillaume Baudart, Martin Hirzel, Louis Mandel, Avraham Shinnar, and Jérôme Siméon
(IBM Research, USA; Clause, USA)
Publisher's Version
DISCOPAR: A Visual Reactive Programming Language for Generating Cloud-Based Participatory Sensing Platforms
Jesse Zaman, Kennedy Kambona, and Wolfgang De Meuter
(Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)
Publisher's Version
Skitter: A DSL for Distributed Reactive Workflows
Mathijs Saey, Joeri De Koster, and Wolfgang De Meuter
(Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)
Publisher's Version

Visualization, Debugging, and Programming Techniques

Composable Higher-Order Reactors as the Basis for a Live Reactive Programming Environment
Bjarno Oeyen, Humberto Rodriguez Avila, Sam Van den Vonder, and Wolfgang De Meuter
(Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)
Publisher's Version
A Reactive Language for Analyzing Cloud Logs
Guillaume Baudart, Louis Mandel, Olivier Tardieu, and Mandana Vaziri
(IBM Research, USA)
Publisher's Version

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