SPLASH Companion 2019
2019 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Systems, Programming, Languages, and Applications: Software for Humanity (SPLASH Companion 2019)
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2019 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Systems, Programming, Languages, and Applications: Software for Humanity (SPLASH Companion 2019), October 20–25, 2019, Athens, Greece

SPLASH Companion 2019 – Proceedings

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Title Page
Message from the General Chair
SPLASH 2019 Organization
SPLASH 2019 Sponsors and Supporters

Invited Talks

A Graphical Language for Flexible Inference in Robotics and Vision (Invited Talk)
Frank Dellaert
(Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
Publisher's Version
The Algorithm for Precision Medicine (Invited Talk)
Matthew Might
(University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA)
Publisher's Version
Programming Support for Evolving Database Applications (Invited Talk)
Isil Dillig
(University of Texas, USA)
Publisher's Version
The Software Arts (Invited Talk)
Warren Sack
(University of California at Santa Cruz, USA)
Publisher's Version


Component-Based Computation-Energy Modeling for Embedded Systems
Adam Seewald, Ulrik Pagh Schultz, Julius Roeder, Benjamin Rouxel, and Clemens Grelck
(University of Southern Denmark, Denmark; University of Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Publisher's Version
Toward a Benchmark Repository for Software Maintenance Tool Evaluations with Humans
Matúš Sulír
(Technical University of Košice, Slovakia)
Publisher's Version
NAB: Automated Large-Scale Multi-language Dynamic Program Analysis in Public Code Repositories
Alex Villazón, Haiyang Sun, Andrea Rosà, Eduardo Rosales, Daniele Bonetta, Isabella Defilippis, Sergio Oporto, and Walter Binder
(Universidad Privada Boliviana, Bolivia; USI Lugano, Switzerland; Oracle Labs, USA)
Publisher's Version
Renaissance: A Modern Benchmark Suite for Parallel Applications on the JVM
Aleksandar Prokopec, Andrea Rosà, David Leopoldseder, Gilles Duboscq, Petr Tůma, Martin Studener, Lubomír Bulej, Yudi Zheng, Alex Villazón, Doug Simon, Thomas Würthinger, and Walter Binder
(Oracle Labs, Switzerland; USI Lugano, Switzerland; JKU Linz, Austria; Charles University in Prague, Czechia; Universidad Privada Boliviana, Bolivia)
Publisher's Version
Distributed Object-Oriented Programming with Multiple Consistency Levels in ConSysT
Nafise Eskandani, Mirko Köhler, Alessandro Margara, and Guido Salvaneschi
(TU Darmstadt, Germany; Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
Publisher's Version
Towards a WebAssembly Standalone Runtime on GraalVM
Salim S. Salim, Andy Nisbet, and Mikel Luján
(University of Manchester, UK)
Publisher's Version
MetaDL: Declarative Program Analysis for the Masses
Alexandru Dura and Hampus Balldin
(Lund University, Sweden)
Publisher's Version
Towards Language-Parametric Semantic Editor Services Based on Declarative Type System Specifications
Daniel A. A. Pelsmaeker, Hendrik van Antwerpen, and Eelco Visser
(Delft University of Technology, Netherlands)
Publisher's Version
A Symmetry-Based N-Body Solver Compiler
Shigeyuki Sato
(University of Tokyo, Japan)
Publisher's Version

Doctoral Symposium

Improving Performance and Quality of Database-Backed Software
Junwen Yang
(University of Chicago, USA)
Publisher's Version
Performance, Portability, and Productivity for Data-Parallel Applications on Multi- and Many-Core Architectures
Ari Rasch
(University of Münster, Germany)
Publisher's Version
Practical Second Futamura Projection: Partial Evaluation for High-Performance Language Interpreters
Florian Latifi
(JKU Linz, Austria)
Publisher's Version
Retaining Semantic Information in the Static Analysis of Real-World Software
Gábor Horváth
(Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary)
Publisher's Version
Exploiting Models for Scalable and High Throughput Distributed Software
Tim Soethout
(ING Bank, Netherlands; CWI, Netherlands)
Publisher's Version
Debugging Support for Multi-paradigm Concurrent Programs
Dominik Aumayr
(JKU Linz, Austria)
Publisher's Version

Student Research Competition

Is Mutation Score a Fair Metric?
Beatriz Souza
(Federal University of Campina Grande, Brazil)
Publisher's Version
Designing Immersive Virtual Training Environments for Experiential Learning
Kalliopi-Evangelia Stavroulia
(Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus)
Publisher's Version
Linear Capabilities for CHERI: An Exploration of the Design Space
Aaron Lippeveldts
(Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)
Publisher's Version
An Empirical Study of Programming Language Effect on Open Source Software Development
Muna Altherwi
(Southampton University, UK)
Publisher's Version
Gradual Program Analysis
Samuel Estep
(Liberty University, USA)
Publisher's Version
Incremental Scannerless Generalized LR Parsing
Maarten P. Sijm
(Delft University of Technology, Netherlands)
Publisher's Version

Workshop Summary

Summary of the 17th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Domain-Specific Modeling (DSM 2019)
Jeff Gray, Matti Rossi, Jonathan Sprinkle, and Juha-Pekka Tolvanen
(University of Alabama, USA; Aalto University School of Business, Finland; University of Arizona, USA; MetaCase, Finland)
Publisher's Version

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