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2013 8th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS), May 20–21, 2013, San Francisco, CA, USA

SEAMS 2013 – Proceedings

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Title Page
Message from the Chairs


Science in the Cloud (Keynote)
Joe Hellerstein
(Google, USA)
A 10-Year Perspective on Software Engineering Self-Adaptive Systems (Keynote)
David Garlan


Do External Feedback Loops Improve the Design of Self-Adaptive Systems? A Controlled Experiment
Danny Weyns, M. Usman Iftikhar, and Joakim Söderlund
(Linnaeus University, Sweden)
Evolving an Adaptive Industrial Software System to Use Architecture-Based Self-Adaptation
Javier Cámara, Pedro Correia, Rogério de Lemos, David Garlan, Pedro Gomes, Bradley Schmerl, and Rafael Ventura
(University of Coimbra, Portugal; University of Kent, UK; CMU, USA; Critical Software, Portugal)
Requirements and Architectural Approaches to Adaptive Software Systems: A Comparative Study
Konstantinos Angelopoulos, Vítor E. Silva Souza, and João Pimentel
(University of Trento, Italy; UFES, Brazil; UFPE, Brazil)


On Estimating Actuation Delays in Elastic Computing Systems
Alessio Gambi, Daniel Moldovan, Georgiana Copil, Hong-Linh Truong, and Schahram Dustdar
(TU Vienna, Austria; University of Lugano, Switzerland)
Self-Adaptive and Sensitivity-Aware QoS Modeling for the Cloud
Tao Chen and Rami Bahsoon
(University of Birmingham, UK)
QoS-Aware Fully Decentralized Service Assembly
Vincenzo Grassi, Moreno Marzolla, and Raffaela Mirandola
(University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy; University of Bologna, Italy; Politecnico di Milano, Italy)

Learning and Updates

Formalizing Correctness Criteria of Dynamic Updates Derived from Specification Changes
Valerio Panzica La Manna, Joel Greenyer, Carlo Ghezzi, and Christian Brenner
(Politecnico di Milano, Italy; University of Paderborn, Germany)
Run-Time Adaptation of Mobile Applications using Genetic Algorithms
Gustavo G. Pascual, Mónica Pinto, and Lidia Fuentes
(University of Málaga, Spain)
Guaranteeing Robustness in a Mobile Learning Application using Formally Verified MAPE Loops
Didac Gil de la Iglesia and Danny Weyns
(Linnaeus University, Sweden)

Case Studies and Decision-Making

Engineering Adaptation with Zanshin: An Experience Report
Genci Tallabaci and Vítor E. Silva Souza
(University of Trento, Italy; UFES, Brazil)
Diagnosing Architectural Run-Time Failures
Paulo Casanova, David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl, and Rui Abreu
(CMU, USA; University of Porto, Portugal)
Dynamic Decision Networks for Decision-Making in Self-Adaptive Systems: A Case Study
Nelly Bencomo, Amel Belaggoun, and Valerie Issarny
(INRIA, France)


Self-Adaptive Containers: Building Resource-Efficient Applications with Low Programmer Overhead
Wei-Chih Huang and William J. Knottenbelt
(Imperial College London, UK)
Synthesizing Self-Adaptive Connectors Meeting Functional and Performance Concerns
Antinisca Di Marco, Paola Inverardi, and Romina Spalazzese
(University of L'Aquila, Italy)
High-Quality Specification of Self-Adaptive Software Systems
Markus Luckey and Gregor Engels
(University of Paderborn, Germany)


Improving Context-Awareness in Self-Adaptation using the DYNAMICO Reference Model
Gabriel Tamura, Norha M. Villegas, Hausi A. Müller, Laurence Duchien, and Lionel Seinturier
(Icesi University, Colombia; University of Victoria, Canada; INRIA, France; University of Lille, France)
Law and Adaptivity in Requirements Engineering
Silvia Ingolfo and Vítor E. Silva Souza
(University of Trento, Italy; UFES, Brazil)
Towards Run-Time Testing of Dynamic Adaptive Systems
Erik M. Fredericks, Andres J. Ramirez, and Betty H. C. Cheng
(Michigan State University, USA)
RPC Automation: Making Legacy Code Relevant
Andreas Bergen, Yağız Onat Yazır, Hausi A. Müller, and Yvonne Coady
(University of Victoria, Canada)

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