<Programming'20> Companion
4th International Conference on the Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming (<Programming> 2020 Companion)
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4th International Conference on the Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming (<Programming> 2020 Companion), March 23–26, 2020, Porto, Portugal

<Programming'20> Companion – Companion Proceedings

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Title Page
Welcome from the Chairs
1st International Workshop on ENgineering Intelligent Applications' Code (ENIAC 2020)
2nd International Workshop on Interconnecting Code (ICW 2020)
4th International Workshop on Modern Language Runtimes, Ecosystems, and VMs (MoreVMs 2020)
1st International Workshop on New Interfaces for Programming (NIP 2020)
4th International Workshop on Programming Technology for the Future Web (ProWeb 2020)
6th International Workshop on Programming Experience (PX/20)
Convivial Computing Salon (Salon 2020)
2020 Posters
2020 Student Research Competition

1st International Workshop on ENgineering Intelligent Applications' Code (ENIAC 2020)

Three Trillion Lines: Infrastructure for Mining GitHub in the Classroom
Toni Mattis, Patrick Rein, and Robert Hirschfeld
(HPI, Germany)
Publisher's Version
Achieving Guidance in Applied Machine Learning through Software Engineering Techniques
Lars Reimann and Günter Kniesel-Wünsche
(University of Bonn, Germany)
Publisher's Version

2nd International Workshop on Interconnecting Code (ICW 2020)

LogicKit: Bringing Logic Programming to Swift
Dimitri Racordon and Didier Buchs
(University of Geneva, Switzerland)
Publisher's Version
Supporting the Composition of Domain-Specific Software via Task-Specific Roles
Brigitte Boden, Robert Mischke, Alexander Weinert, and Andreas Schreiber
(DLR, Germany)
Publisher's Version Info
User-Defined Interface Mappings for the GraalVM
Alexander Riese, Fabio Niephaus, Tim Felgentreff, and Robert Hirschfeld
(HPI, Germany; Oracle Labs, Germany)
Publisher's Version

4th International Workshop on Modern Language Runtimes, Ecosystems, and VMs (MoreVMs 2020)

Enhancement of OpenJDK Biased Locking for Infrequent Lock Contention
Ting Wang, Michihiro Horie, Kazunori Ogata, Hao Chen Gui, Xiao Ping Guo, and Yang Liu
(IBM, China; IBM, Japan)
Publisher's Version
Profiling Streams on the Java Virtual Machine
Edgar Eduardo Rosales Rosero, Andrea Rosà, and Walter Binder
(USI Lugano, Switzerland)
Publisher's Version
Running Parallel Bytecode Interpreters on Heterogeneous Hardware
Juan Fumero, Athanasios Stratikopoulos, and Christos Kotselidis
(University of Manchester, UK)
Publisher's Version Video
Superoptimization of WebAssembly Bytecode
Javier Cabrera Arteaga, Shrinish Donde, Jian Gu, Orestis Floros, Lucas Satabin, Benoit Baudry, and Martin Monperrus
(KTH, Sweden; Mobimeo, Germany)
Publisher's Version
Toward Presizing and Pretransitioning Strategies for GraalPython
Johannes Henning, Tim Felgentreff, Fabio Niephaus, and Robert Hirschfeld
(HPI, Germany; Oracle Labs, Germany)
Publisher's Version
Towards Dynamic SQL Compilation in Apache Spark
Filippo Schiavio, Daniele Bonetta, and Walter Binder
(USI Lugano, Switzerland; Oracle Labs, USA)
Publisher's Version

1st International Workshop on New Interfaces for Programming (NIP 2020)

Assessing Textual Source Code Comparison: Split or Unified?
Alejandra Cossio Chavalier, Juan Pablo Sandoval Alcocer, and Alexandre Bergel
(Universidad Católica Boliviana, Bolivia; University of Chile, Chile)
Publisher's Version
Towards Requirements Engineering with Immersive Augmented Reality
Nitish Patkar, Leonel Merino, and Oscar Nierstrasz
(University of Bern, Switzerland; University of Stuttgart, Germany)
Publisher's Version
Towards Visualization of Evolution of Component-Based Software Architectures in VR
Elke Franziska Heidmann, Annika Meinecke, Lynn von Kurnatowski, and Andreas Schreiber
(DLR, Germany)
Publisher's Version
Towards Efficient Interdisciplinary Authoring of Industrial Augmented Reality Applications
Ingo Börsting and Volker Gruhn
(University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
Publisher's Version
Program Comprehension for Live Algorithmic Design in Virtual Reality
Renata Castelo-Branco, António Leitão, and Catarina Brás
(INESC-ID, Portugal; Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal; University of Lisbon, Portugal)
Publisher's Version

4th International Workshop on Programming Technology for the Future Web (ProWeb 2020)

Evolution of the WebDSL Runtime: Reliability Engineering of the WebDSL Web Programming Language
Danny M. Groenewegen, Elmer van Chastelet, and Eelco Visser
(Delft University of Technology, Netherlands)
Publisher's Version
Synthesizing User Interfaces using Functional Reactive Web Abstractions
Adam Granicz, Jozsef Uri, and Andras Janko
(IntelliFactory, Hungary)
Publisher's Version

6th International Workshop on Programming Experience (PX/20)

Multiagent Live Programming Systems: Models and Prospects for Critical Applications
Steven L. Tanimoto
(University of Washington, USA)
Publisher's Version
MATLAB Doesn't Love Me: An Essay
Tijs van der Storm and Geor Bakker
(CWI, Netherlands; University of Groningen, Netherlands; Amsterdam University Medical Centres, Netherlands; Sosei Heptares, UK)
Publisher's Version
Towards a Pattern Language for Interactive Coding Tutorials
Tao Dong and Gale Yang
(Google, USA)
Publisher's Version
Polyglot Code Finder
Jan Ehmueller, Alexander Riese, Hendrik Tjabben, Fabio Niephaus, and Robert Hirschfeld
(HPI, Germany)
Publisher's Version
Visual Design for a Tree-Oriented Projectional Editor
Tom Beckmann, Stefan Ramson, Patrick Rein, and Robert Hirschfeld
(HPI, Germany)
Publisher's Version
Javardise: A Structured Code Editor for Programming Pedagogy in Java
André L. Santos
(University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal)
Publisher's Version

Convivial Computing Salon (Salon 2020)

Wildcard: Spreadsheet-Driven Customization of Web Applications
Geoffrey Litt and Daniel Jackson
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)
Publisher's Version Info
Towards a Dynamic Multiscale Personal Information Space: Beyond Application and Document Centered Views of Information
Amy Rae Fox, Philip Guo, Clemens Nylandsted Klokmose, Peter Dalsgaard, Arvind Satyanarayan, Haijun Xia, and James D. Hollan
(University of California at San Diego, USA; Aarhus University, Denmark; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)
Publisher's Version Video Info
Convivial Design Heuristics for Software Systems
Stephen Kell
(University of Kent, UK)
Publisher's Version
Rethinking Programming “Environment”: Technical and Social Environment Design toward Convivial Computing
Jun Kato and Keisuke Shimakage
(AIST, Japan; OTON GLASS, Japan)
Publisher's Version Video Info
Spreadsheets as Notational Environment for Paper Weaving
Jonathan Skjøtt
(Takram, UK)
Publisher's Version
Can Programmers Escape the Gentle Tyranny of call/return?
Marcel Weiher
(HPI, Germany)
Publisher's Version Info
Bicycles for the Mind Have to Be See-Through
Kartik Agaram
Publisher's Version Info
Escaping the Prison of Style
Antranig Basman and Philip Tchernavskij
(Raising the Floor, UK; OCAD University, Canada)
Publisher's Version
What It Takes to Create with Domain-Appropriate Tools: Reflections on Implementing the “Id” System
Joel Jakubovic
(University of Kent, UK)
Publisher's Version
Chatting with Glue: Cognitive Tools for Augmented Conversation
Max Krieger
(Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Publisher's Version Published Artifact Info Artifacts Available

2020 Posters

Helping Software Developers through Live Software Metrics Visualization
Sara Fernandes, André Restivo, Hugo Sereno Ferreira, and Ademar Aguiar
(University of Porto, Portugal; LIACC, Portugal; INESC TEC, Portugal)
Publisher's Version
Overviewing the Liveness of Refactoring for Energy Efficiency
Emanuel Moreira, Filipe F. Correia, and João Bispo
(University of Porto, Portugal; INESC TEC, Portugal)
Publisher's Version

2020 Student Research Competition

Towards Language-Parametric Refactorings
Philippe D. Misteli
(Delft University of Technology, Netherlands)
Publisher's Version
Efficient Editing in a Tree-Oriented Projectional Editor
Tom Beckmann
(HPI, Germany)
Publisher's Version
ReAD: Representational Algorithmic Design
Renata Castelo-Branco
(INESC-ID, Portugal; University of Lisbon, Portugal)
Publisher's Version
A Formalism to Model Higher-Order Function
Damien Morard
(University of Geneva, Switzerland)
Publisher's Version
An Annotation System for Specifying Aliasing Invariants on Object Fields
Aurélien Coet
(University of Geneva, Switzerland)
Publisher's Version
Pattern-Match-Oriented Proof Writing Language
Satoshi Egi
(University of Tokyo, Japan)
Publisher's Version
An Experimental Audio-Tactile Interface for Sculpting Digital Resonance Models using Modelling Clay
Jack Armitage
(Queen Mary University of London, UK)
Publisher's Version
N-gram Models for Code Completion in Pharo
Myroslava Romaniuk
(Ukrainian Catholic University, Ukraine)
Publisher's Version

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