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12th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on the State Of the Art in Program Analysis (SOAP 2023), June 17, 2023, Orlando, FL, USA

SOAP 2023 – Proceedings

Contents - Abstracts - Authors

12th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on the State Of the Art in Program Analysis (SOAP 2023)


Title Page
Welcome from the Chairs


Combining E-Graphs with Abstract Interpretation
Samuel Coward, George A. Constantinides, and Theo Drane
(Imperial College London, UK; Intel Corporation, UK; Intel Corporation, USA)
Publisher's Version
Static Analysis of Data Transformations in Jupyter Notebooks
Luca Negrini, Guruprerana Shabadi, and Caterina Urban
(Corvallis, Italy; École Polytechnique, France; Institut Polytechnique de Paris, France; Inria Paris, France; ENS, France)
Publisher's Version
Speeding up Static Analysis with the Split Operator
Vincenzo Arceri, Greta Dolcetti, and Enea Zaffanella
(University of Parma, Italy)
Publisher's Version
When Long Jumps Fall Short: Control-Flow Tracking and Misuse Detection for Non-local Jumps in C
Michael Schwarz, Julian Erhard, Vesal Vojdani, Simmo Saan, and Helmut Seidl
(TU Munich, Germany; University of Tartu, Estonia)
Publisher's Version
HWASanIO: Detecting C/C++ Intra-object Overflows with Memory Shading
Konrad Hohentanner, Florian Kasten, and Lukas Auer
(Fraunhofer AISEC, Germany)
Publisher's Version
Extensible and Scalable Architecture for Hybrid Analysis
Marc Miltenberger and Steven Arzt
(Fraunhofer SIT, Germany; ATHENE, Germany)
Publisher's Version Info
User-Assisted Code Query Optimization
Ben Liblit, Yingjun Lyu, Rajdeep Mukherjee, Omer Tripp, and Yanjun Wang
(Amazon, USA)
Publisher's Version
Completeness Thresholds for Memory Safety of Array Traversing Programs
Tobias Reinhard, Justus Fasse, and Bart Jacobs
(KU Leuven, Belgium)
Publisher's Version
Crosys: Cross Architectural Dynamic Analysis
Sangrok Lee, Jieun Lee, Jaeyong Ko, and Jaewoo Shim
(Affiliated Institute of ETRI, South Korea)
Publisher's Version
RaceInjector: Injecting Races to Evaluate and Learn Dynamic Race Detection Algorithms
Michael Wang, Shashank Srikant, Malavika Samak, and Una-May O’Reilly
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)
Publisher's Version

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