PLDI 2019 Workshops
40th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI 2019)
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6th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Libraries, Languages and Compilers for Array Programming (ARRAY 2019), June 22, 2019, Phoenix, AZ, USA

ARRAY 2019 – Proceedings

Contents - Abstracts - Authors

6th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Libraries, Languages and Compilers for Array Programming (ARRAY 2019)


Title Page
Welcome from the Chair


Array Processing on Steroids for the SKA Radio-Telescope (Keynote)
Peter J. Braam
(University of Oxford, UK)
Publisher's Version


Finite Difference Methods Fengshui: Alignment through a Mathematics of Arrays
Benjamin Chetioui, Lenore Mullin, Ole Abusdal, Magne Haveraaen, Jaakko Järvi, and Sandra Macià
(University of Bergen, Norway; SUNY Albany, USA; Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain)
Publisher's Version
Data-Parallel Flattening by Expansion
Martin Elsman, Troels Henriksen, and Niels Gustav Westphal Serup
(University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
Publisher's Version
ALPyNA: Acceleration of Loops in Python for Novel Architectures
Dejice Jacob and Jeremy Singer
(University of Glasgow, UK)
Publisher's Version
High-Level Synthesis of Functional Patterns with Lift
Martin Kristien, Bruno Bodin, Michel Steuwer, and Christophe Dubach
(University of Edinburgh, UK; Yale-NUS College, Singapore; University of Glasgow, UK)
Publisher's Version
Toward Generalized Tensor Algebra for ab initio Quantum Chemistry Methods
Erdal Mutlu, Karol Kowalski, and Sriram Krishnamoorthy
(Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA)
Publisher's Version
TeIL: A Type-Safe Imperative Tensor Intermediate Language
Norman A. Rink and Jeronimo Castrillon
(TU Dresden, Germany)
Publisher's Version
Convolutional Neural Networks in APL
Artjoms Šinkarovs, Robert Bernecky, and Sven-Bodo Scholz
(Heriot-Watt University, UK; Snake Island Research, Canada)
Publisher's Version Info
Records with Rank Polymorphism
Justin Slepak, Olin Shivers, and Panagiotis Manolios
(Northeastern University, USA)
Publisher's Version
Linear Algebraic Depth-First Search
Daniele G. Spampinato, Upasana Sridhar, and Tze Meng Low
(Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Publisher's Version

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