PLDI 2016 Workshops
37th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI 2016)
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6th ACM SIGPLAN X10 Workshop (X10 2016), June 14, 2016, Santa Barbara, CA, USA

X10 2016 – Proceedings

Contents - Abstracts - Authors

6th ACM SIGPLAN X10 Workshop (X10 2016)

Title Page
Control Structure Overloading in X10
Louis Mandel, Josh Milthorpe, and Olivier Tardieu
(IBM Research, USA)
A Memory Model for X10
Andreas Zwinkau
(KIT, Germany)
Cooperation vs. Coordination for Lifeline-Based Global Load Balancing in APGAS
Jonas Posner and Claudia Fohry
(University of Kassel, Germany)
Resilient X10 over MPI User Level Failure Mitigation
Sara S. Hamouda, Benjamin Herta, Josh Milthorpe, David Grove, and Olivier Tardieu
(Australian National University, Australia; IBM Research, USA)
ActorX10: An Actor Library for X10
Sascha Roloff, Alexander Pöppl, Tobias Schwarzer, Stefan Wildermann, Michael Bader, Michael Glaß, Frank Hannig, and Jürgen Teich
(University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany; TU Munich, Germany)
SWE-X10: An Actor-Based and Locally Coordinated Solver for the Shallow Water Equations
Alexander Pöppl and Michael Bader
(TU Munich, Germany)
A Case for Distributed Work-Stealing in Regular Applications
Brendan Sheridan and Jeremy T. Fineman
(Georgetown University, USA)

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