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2013 International Workshop on Testing the Cloud (TTC), July 15, 2013, Lugano, Switzerland

TTC 2013 – Proceedings

Contents - Abstracts - Authors

2013 International Workshop on Testing the Cloud (TTC)


Title Page

Academic Session

On the Necessity of Model Checking NoSQL Database Schemas When Building SaaS Applications
Stefanie Scherzinger, Eduardo Cunha de Almeida, Felipe Ickert, and Marcos Didonet Del Fabro
(Regensburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany; UFPR, Brazil)
Enabling Large-Scale Testing of IaaS Cloud Platforms on the Grid'5000 Testbed
Sébastien Badia, Alexandra Carpen-Amarie, Adrien Lèbre, and Lucas Nussbaum
(INRIA, France; École des Mines de Nantes, France; Université de Lorraine, France)

Industrial Session I

Testing a Cloud Application: IBM SmartCloud iNotes: Methodologies and Tools
Michael Lynch, Thomas Cerqueus, and Christina Thorpe
(IBM, Ireland; Lero, Ireland; University College Dublin, Ireland)

Industrial Session II

Data Science in the Cloud: Analysis of Data from Testing in Production
Robert Musson and Ross Smith
(Microsoft, USA)

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