ISS 2024
Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces (ISS 2024)
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Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces (ISS 2024)
October 27–30, 2024
Vancouver, BC, Canada
ISS 2024 – Companion Proceedings
Title Page
Welcome Message from the General Chairs
ISS 2024 Organization
Doctoral Symposium
A Physical Computing Workshop to Engage Girls from Low-Income Backgrounds
Katherine Vergara
(Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile)
Publisher's Version
Monocular Tracking of Passive Stylus on Passive Surface
Tavish M. Burnah
(Massey University, New Zealand)
Publisher's Version
Spot Shadow: A System for Manipulating Shadows in Spatial Design
Saki Sakaguchi
(Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan)
Publisher's Version
PanoCoach: Enhancing Tactical Coaching and Communication in Soccer with Mixed-Reality Telepresence
Andrew Kang
Hanspeter Pfister
, and
Tica Lin
(Harvard University, USA; Rice University, USA)
Publisher's Version
Eye-Hand Movement of Objects in Near Space
Uta Wagner
Andreas Asferg Jacobsen
Tiare Feuchtner
Hans Gellersen
, and
Ken Pfeuffer
(Aarhus University, Denmark; University of Konstanz, Germany; Lancaster University, United Kingdom)
Publisher's Version
Have Fun with Math: Multimodal, Interactive, and Immersive Exploration of Wave Functions with 3D Models
Shamima Yasmin
(Eastern Washington University, USA)
Publisher's Version
Workshop Summaries
Summary of the Workshop on Interactions for Supporting Explanation and Promoting Comprehension
Maryam Rezaie
Anjali Khurana
Parmit Chilana
Sheelagh Carpendale
Melanie Tory
, and
Sydney Purdue
(Simon Fraser University, Canada; Northeastern University, USA)
Publisher's Version
Summary of the Workshop on Visual Methods and Analyzing Visual Data in Human Computer Interaction
Zezhong Wang
Samuel Huron
Miriam Sturdee
, and
Sheelagh Carpendale
(Simon Fraser University, Canada; Télécom Paris - Institut Polytechnique de Paris, France; University of St Andrews, United Kingdom)
Publisher's Version
Extracting Corneal Reflection of Screen by High-Speed Control of Polarization
Ayato Nakamura
Kentaro Takemura
(Tokai University, Japan)
Publisher's Version
A Two-Handed Ellipsoidal Device for Interactive Grasping and Gripping Rehabilitation Exercise
Bingjie Xu
Yijia An
Qinglei Bu
, and
Jie Sun
(Suzhou Industrial Park Institute of Vocational Technology, China; Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China)
Publisher's Version
Customisable Lower Limb Rehabilitation Carpet for Children with Cerebral Palsy
Yaxuan Liu
Yijia An
Keming Zhang
Martijn Ten Bhömer
Qinglei Bu
Jie Sun
, and
Siyuan Chen
(National University of Singapore (Suzhou) Research Institute, China; Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China)
Publisher's Version
Exploring Effects of Interactive Virtual Reality Sensory Environment on Anxiety Reduction in Adolescents with Autism
Amaya E. Keys
Oyewole Oyekoya
, and
Daniel Chan
(Howard University, USA; CUNY Hunter College, USA; CUNY, USA)
Publisher's Version
Exploring the Impact of Size and Position on Visual Feedback Efficacy for Ballet Dancers
Hana Mizukami
Arinobu Niijima
Chanho Park
, and
Takefumi Ogawa
(University of Tokyo, Japan; NTT Corporation, Japan)
Publisher's Version
Co-designing a Tangible Communication Device to Enrich Communication over Distance
Hannah Friederike Fischer
Anke Königschulte
Jana Koch
Serge Autexier
, and
Gesche Joost
(German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, Germany; C&S Computer and Software, Germany)
Publisher's Version
Once Upon a Data Story: A Preliminary Design Space for Immersive Data Storytelling
Radhika Pankaj Jain
Kadek Ananta Satriadi
Adam Drogemuller
Ross Smith
, and
Andrew Cunningham
(University of South Australia, Australia; Monash University, Australia)
Publisher's Version
Effects of Increasing Command Capacity of Spatial Memory Menus in Tablets
Sayeem Md. Abdullah
Md. Sami Uddin
(University of Regina, Canada)
Publisher's Version
Balancing Autonomy: Investigating User-Controlled vs Automated Guidance Systems for Sequential Tasks
Robin Wiethüchter
Saikishore Kalloori
, and
David Lindlbauer
(ETH Zurich, Switzerland; Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Publisher's Version
Gamification of Food Selection and Nutrition Education in Virtual Reality
Caroline A. Klein
Oyewole Oyekoya
, and
Margrethe Horlyck-Romanovsky
(Vassar College, USA; CUNY Hunter College, USA; CUNY Brooklyn College, USA)
Publisher's Version
Enhancing Virtual Mobility for Individuals Who Are Blind or Have Low Vision: A Stationary Exploration Method
Hong Zhao
Oyewole Oyekoya
, and
Hao Tang
(CUNY Borough of Manhattan Community College, USA; CUNY Hunter College, USA; CUNY New York, USA)
Publisher's Version
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