ICST Workshops 2025
2025 IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops (ICSTW)
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2025 IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops (ICSTW), March 31 – April 4, 2025, Naples, Italy

ICST Workshops 2025 – Preliminary Table of Contents

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Title Page
Message from the General Chairs
Message from the Program Co-Chairs
ICST 2025 Organization
ICST 2025 Sponsors and Supporters
Welcome to the AIST 2025 Workshop
Welcome to the A-MOST 2025 Workshop
Welcome to the A-TEST 2025 Workshop
Welcome to the CCIW 2025 Workshop
Welcome to the InSTA 2025 Workshop
Welcome to the ITEQS 2025 Workshop
Welcome to the IWCT 2025 Workshop
Welcome to the Mutation 2025 Workshop
Welcome to the NEXTA 2025 Workshop
Welcome to the SAFE-ML 2025 Workshop

5th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Software Testing (AIST 2025)

Session 1: AI/ML for Software Testing Applications

Generating Latent Space-Aware Test Cases for Neural Networks using Gradient-Based Search
Simon Speth, Christoph Jasper, Claudius Jordan, and Alexander Pretschner
(TUM, Germany)
Adaptive Test Healing using LLM/GPT and Reinforcement Learning
Nariman Mani and Salma Attaranasl
(Nutrosal Inc., Canada)
Test2Text: AI-Based Mapping between Autogenerated Tests and Atomic Requirements
Elena Treshcheva, Iosif Itkin, Rostislav Yavorski, and Nikolay Dorofeev
(Exactpro, USA; Exactpro LLC, UK; Exactpro, Georgia)

Session 2: LLMs for Test Case Generation

LLM Prompt Engineering for Automated White-Box Integration Test Generation in REST APIs
André Mesquita Rincon, Auri Marcelo Rizzo Vincenzi, and João Pascoal Faria
(Federal Institute of Tocantins (IFTO); Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar), Brazil; Department of Computing (DC), Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar), Brazil; INESC TEC, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal)
A System for Automated Unit Test Generation using Large Language Models and Assessment of Generated Test Suites
Andrea Lops, Fedelucio Narducci, Azzurra Ragone, Michelantonio Trizio, and Claudio Bartolini
(Polytechnic University of Bari - Wideverse s.r.l., Italy; Polytechnic University of Bari, Italy; University of Bari, Italy; Wideverse s.r.l., Italy)
From Implemented to Expected Behaviors: Leveraging Regression Oracles for Non-regression Fault Detection using LLMs
Stefano Ruberto, Judith Perera, Gunel Jahangirova, and Valerio Terragni
(JRC European Commission, Italy; University of Auckland, New Zealand; King’s College London, UK)

21th International Workshop on Advances in Model Based Testing (A-MOST 2025)

Coverage and Path-Based Testing

Novel Algorithm to Solve the Constrained Path-Based Testing Problem
Matej Klima, Miroslav Bures, Marek Miltner, Chad Zanocco, Gordon Fraser, Sebastian Schweikl, and Patric Feldmeier
(Czech Technical University in Prague, Czechia; Stanford University, USA; University of Passau, Germany)
Archive submitted (42 MB)
CPT Manager: An Open Environment for Constrained Path-Based Testing
Matej Klima, Miroslav Bures, Daniel Holotik, Maximilian Herczeg, Marek Miltner, and Chad Zanocco
(Czech Technical University in Prague, Czechia; Stanford University, USA)
Towards Improving Automated Testing with GraphWalker
Yavuz Koroglu, Mutlu Beyazıt, Onur Kilincceker, Serge Demeyer, and Franz Wotawa
(Graz University of Technology, Austria; University of Antwerp and Flanders Make, Belgium)

Model and Machine Learning

Automata Learning for React Web Applications
Peter Grubelnik and Franz Wotawa
(Technische Universitaet Graz, Austria)
Mutating Skeletons: Learning Timed Automata via Domain Knowledge
Felix Wallner, Bernhard K. Aichernig, Florian Lorber, and Martin Tappler
(Graz University of Technology and Silicon Austria Labs, TU Graz - SAL DES Lab, Austria; Graz University of Technology, Austria; Silicon Austria Labs, Austria; TU Wien, Austria)
SelfBehave, Generating a Synthetic Behaviour-Driven Development Dataset using SELF-INSTRUCT
Manon Galloy, Martin Balfroid, Benoît Vanderose, and Xavier Devroey
(NADI, University of Namur, Belgium)

AI and Testing

Model-Based Testing Computer Games: Does It Work?
Wishnu Prasetya
(Utrecht University, Netherlands)

16th International Workshop on Automated Testing (A-TEST)

AI-Driven Testing Automation

Test Case Generation for Dialogflow Task-Based Chatbots
Rocco Gianni Rapisarda, Davide Ginelli, Diego Clerissi, and Leonardo Mariani
(University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy; University of Genova, Italy)
Automated Testing of the GUI of a Real-Life Engineering Software using Large Language Models
Tim Rosenbach, Alexander Weinert, and David Heidrich
(German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute for Software Technology, Germany)
SleepReplacer-GPT: AI-Based Thread Sleep Replacement in Selenium WebDriver Tests
Dario Olianas, Maurizio Leotta, and Filippo Ricca
(Università di Genova, Italy; DIBRIS, Università di Genova - Italy, Italy)
Curiosity Driven Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning for 3D Game Testing
Raihana Ferdous, Fitsum Meshesha Kifetew, Davide Prandi, and Angelo Susi
(Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Italy; Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy; FONDAZIONE BRUNO KESSLER, Italy; Fondazione Bruno Kessler - Irst, Italy)

Automated Testing in Critical Systems

Introducing a Testing Automation Framework for Basic Integrity of Java Applications in Hitachi Railway Systems
Angelo Venditto, Chiara Aprile, Fabrizio Zanini, and Fausto Del Villano
(Hitachi Rail, Italy)
Automated Testing in Railways: Leveraging Robotic Arm Precision and Efficiency for Superior Customizability and Usability Test Case Execution
Giuseppe Guida, Mario D'Avino, Massimo Nisci, Roberto Villano, Barbara Di Giampaolo, Michele Schettino, and Erasmo Alessio Bortone
(Hitachi Rail STS, Italy)
A Workflow for Automated Testing of a Safety-Critical Embedded Subsystem
Michele Ignarra, Maria Guarino, Andrea Aiello, Vincenzo Tonziello, Giovanni De Donato, Emanuele Pascale, Renato De Guglielmo, Antonio Costa, and Cosimo Affuso
(Hitachi Rail, Italy; Alten, Italy)

5th International CI/CD Industry Workshop (CCIW 2025)

The Purpose of CI

Continuous Evaluation: Using CI Techniques for Experimentation at Scale
Nilesh Jagnik
(Google, USA)

CI at Scale

Shifting Gears in Continuous Integration: BMW’s Strategies for High-Velocity Builds
Maximilian Jungwirth, Simon Rummert, Alexander Scott, and Gordon Fraser
(BMW Group, University of Passau, Germany; BMW Group, Germany; University of Passau, Germany)
Multi-architecture Testing at Google
Tim A. D. Henderson, Sushmita Azad, Avi Kondareddy, and Abhay Singh
(Google, USA; Google LLC, USA; Google LLC, UK)
The Art of Managing Flaky Tests at Scale
Oleg Andreyev
(Okta, USA)

Centralized, ML-Based, CI Optimizations

Unlocking New Practical Advantages of Machine Learning via Generating Large Amounts of High-Quality Data about Software Faults
Neetha Jambigi, Marc Tuerke, Bartosz Bogacz, Thomas Bach, and Michael Felderer
(University of Cologne, Germany; SAP, Germany; German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany)

12th International Workshop on Software Test Architecture (InSTA 2025)

Research Papers

Establishing Utilization Decision Criteria for Open-Source Software Projects Based on Issue Resolution Time Evaluation
Keisuke Inoue and Kazuhiko Tsuda
(University of Tsukuba, Japan)
The Evaluation of Ambiguity Based on the Distance between Transitive Verbs and Objects in Japanese
Toshiharu Kato and Kazuhiko Tsuda
(Graduate School of University of Tsukuba, Japan)
A Language Framework for Test(-ware) Architecture
Luis León
(e-Quallity, Mexico)

Industry Reports and Emgerging Ideas

Enhancing SaaS Product Reliability and Release Velocity through Optimized Testing Approach
Ren Karita and Tsuyoshi Yumoto
(freee K.K., Japan)
AIs Understanding of Software Test Architecture
Jon Hagar and Tom Wissink
(Grand Software Testing, USA)

9th International Workshop on Testing Extra-Functional Properties and Quality Characteristics of Software Systems (ITEQS 2025)

AI and Testing

Quality Assurance for LLM-RAG Systems: Empirical Insights from Tourism Application Testing
Bestoun S. Ahmed, Ludwig Otto Baader, Firas Bayram, Siri Jagstedt, and Peter Magnusson
(Karlstads Universitet, Sweden; American University of Bahrain, Bahrain; Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, Germany; Karlstad University, Sweden)
Using Reinforcement Learning for Security Testing: A Systematic Mapping Study
Tanwir Ahmad, Matko Butkovic, and Dragos Truscan
(Åbo Akademi University, Finland)
Visual Spectrum-Based Fault Localization for Python Programs Based on the Differentiation of Execution Slices
Shehroz Khan, Gaadha Sudheerbabu, Bianca Elena Staicu, Tanwir Ahmad, and Dragos Truscan
(Åbo Akademi University, Finland; Abo Akademi University, Finland)

Cyber-Physical Systems

A Protocol Fuzzing Framework to Detect Remotely Exploitable Vulnerabilities in IoT Nodes
Phi Tuong Lau and Stefan Katzenbeisser
(Vietnam, Viet Nam; University of Passau, Germany)
Unified Search for Multi-requirement Falsification for Cyber-Physical Systems
Jesper Winsten and Ivan Porres
(Åbo Akademi University, Finland)

14th International Workshop on Combinatorial Testing (IWCT 2025)

Theoretical Aspects of CT

Utilizing Ontologies for Combinatorial Testing
Franz Wotawa
(Technische Universitaet Graz, Austria)

Combinatorial Testing and ML/AI

A Combinatorial Approach to Reduce Machine Learning Dataset Size
Megan Olsen, M S Raunak, Rick Kuhn, Fenrir Badorf, Hans van Lierop, and Francis Durso
(Loyola University Maryland, USA; National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA; Natl Institute of Standards & Technology, USA; Johns Hopkins University, USA)
Data Frequency Coverage Impact on AI Performance
Erin Lanus, Brian Lee, Jaganmohan Chandrasekaran, Laura Freeman, M S Raunak, Raghu Kacker, and Rick Kuhn
(Virginia Tech, USA; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech), USA; National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA; Natl Institute of Standards & Technology, USA)
Fairness Testing of Machine Learning Models using Combinatorial Testing in Latent Space
Arjun Dahal, Sunny Shree, Yu Lei, Raghu N. Kacker, and D. Richard Kuhn
(The University of Texas at Arlington, USA; Information Technology Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA)

Combinatorial Testing Tools

A Search-Based Benchmark Generator for Constrained Combinatorial Testing Models
Paolo Arcaini, Andrea Bombarda, and Angelo Gargantini
(National Institute of Informatics, Japan; University of Bergamo, Italy)
Towards Continuous Integration for Combinatorial Testing
Manuel Leithner, Jovan Zivanovic, Reinhard Kugler, and Dimitris E. Simos
(SBA Research, Austria; SBA-Research, Austria)
Testing Tool for Combinatorial Transition Testing in Dynamically Adaptive Software Systems
Pierre Martou, Benoît Duhoux, Kim Mens, and Axel Legay
(Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain), ICTEAM, Belgium; Université catholique de Louvain (UCL), ICTEAM, Belgium; Nexova, Belgium)
Towards Accessibility of Covering Arrays for Practitioners of Combinatorial Testing
Ulrike Grömping
(BHT - Berliner Hochschule für Technik, Germany)

Applications of CT

Evaluating Large Language Model Robustness using Combinatorial Testing
Jaganmohan Chandrasekaran, Ankita Ramjibhai Patel, Erin Lanus, and Laura Freeman
(Virginia Tech, USA; Independent Researcher, USA)
Combinatorial Methods for Enhancing the Resilience of Production Facilities
Klaus Kieseberg, Konstantin Gerner, Bernhard Garn, Wolfgang Czerni, Dimitris E. Simos, D. Richard Kuhn, and Raghu Kacker
(SBA Research, Austria; Infraprotect, Austria; National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA)
Combinatorial Test Design Model Creation using Large Language Models
Deborah Furman, Eitan Farchi, Michael Gildein, Andrew Hicks, and Ryan Rawlins
(IBM, USA; IBM HRL, Israel)
Extended Abstract of Poster: STARS: Tree-Based Classification and Testing of Feature Combinations in the Automated Robotic Domain
Till Schallau, Dominik Schmid, Nick Pawlinorz, Stefan Naujokat, and Falk Howar
(TU Dortmund University, Germany)

International Workshop on Mutation Testing (Mutation 2025)

Session 1

Equivalent Mutants: Deductive Verification to the Rescue
Serge Demeyer and Reiner Hähnle
(Universiteit Antwerpen (ANSYMO), Belgium; Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany)
Semantic-Preserving Transformations as Mutation Operators: A Study on Their Effectiveness in Defect Detection
Max Hort, Linas Vidziunas, and Leon Moonen
(Simula Research Laboratory, Norway; Simula Research Laboratory & BI Norwegian Business School, Norway)
Intent-Based Mutation Testing: From Naturally Written Programming Intents to Mutants
Asma Hamidi, Ahmed Khanfir, and Mike Papadakis
(University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg; South Mediterranean University (MSB- MedTech-LCI), Tunis, Tunisia, Tunisia)

Session 2

Mutation Testing via Iterative Large Language Model-Driven Scientific Debugging
Philipp Straubinger, Marvin Kreis, Stephan Lukasczyk, and Gordon Fraser
(University of Passau, Germany; University of Passau and JetBrains, Germany)
Exploring Robustness of Image Recognition Models on Hardware Accelerators
Nikolaos Louloudakis, Perry Gibson, José Cano, and Ajitha Rajan
(The University of Edinburgh, UK; University of Glasgow, UK)
Video Info

8th International IEEE Workshop on Next Level of Test Automation (NextA 2025)

Testing and LLMs

Adaptive Testing for LLM-Based Applications: A Diversity-Based Approach
Juyeon Yoon, Robert Feldt, and Shin Yoo
(Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea; Chalmers, Sweden; Korea Advanced Institute of Science Technology, South Korea)

Fault Localization

Witness Test Program Generation through AST Node Combinations
Heuichan Lim
(Davidson College, USA)
Influence of Pure and Unit-Like Tests on SBFL Effectiveness: An Empirical Study
Attila Szatmári, Tamás Gergely, and Árpád Beszédes
(Szegedi Tudományegyetem, Hungary; Department of Software Engineering, University of Szeged, Hungary)

1st International Workshop on Secure, Accountable, and Verifiable Machine Learning (SAFE-ML 2025)

Robustness, Verification, and Security in AI Systems

Structural Backdoor Attack on IoT Malware Detectors via Graph Explainability
Yu-Cheng Chiu, Maina Bernard Mwangi, Shin-Ming Cheng, and Hahn-Ming Lee
(National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan)
Quantifying Correlations of Machine Learning Models
Yuanyuan Li, Neeraj Sarna, and Yang Lin
(Munich RE, USA; Munich RE, Germany; Hartford Steam Boiler, USA)
Towards a Probabilistic Framework for Analyzing and Improving LLM-Enabled Software
Juan Manuel Baldonado, Flavia Bonomo-Braberman, and Víctor Adrián Braberman
(ICC UBA/CONICET and DC, FCEN, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Black-Box Multi-Robustness Testing for Neural Networks
Mara Downing and Tevfik Bultan
(University of California Santa Barbara, USA; University of California at Santa Barbara, USA)

Security and Privacy in Fedetated Learning Systems

Towards A Common Task Framework for Distributed Collaborative Machine Learning
Qianying Liao, Dimitri Van Landuyt, Davy Preuveneers, and Wouter Joosen
(KU Leuven, Belgium)
Exploring and Mitigating Gradient Leakage Vulnerabilities in Federated Learning
Harshit Gupta, Ghena Barakat, Luca D'Agati, Francesco Longo, Giovanni Merlino, and Antonio Puliafito
(University of Messina, Italy)
Federated Learning under Attack: Game-Theoretic Mitigation of Data Poisoning
Marco De Santis and Christian Esposito
(University of Salerno, Italy)
Privacy-Preserving in Federated Learning: A Comparison between Differential Privacy and Homomorphic Encryption across Different Scenarios
Alessio Catalfamo, Maria Fazio, Antonio Celesti, and Massimo Villari
(Università degli Studi di Messina, Italy; University of Messina, Italy; Department of MIFT, University of Messina, Italy)

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