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2017 International Conference on Software and Systems Process (ICSSP),
July 5–7, 2017,
Paris, France
Invited Talks
Systems and Software Process Traceability
Empirical Studies and Experience Reports
Hybrid Software and System Development in Practice: Waterfall, Scrum, and Beyond
Marco Kuhrmann,
Philipp Diebold,
Jürgen Münch,
Paolo Tell,
Vahid Garousi,
Michael Felderer,
Kitija Trektere,
Fergal McCaffery,
Oliver Linssen,
Eckhart Hanser, and
Christian R. Prause
(TU Clausthal, Germany; Fraunhofer IESE, Germany; Reutlingen University, Germany; IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark; University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg; University of Innsbruck, Austria; Dundalk Institute of Technology, Ireland; FOM University of Applied Sciences for Economics and Management, Germany; DHBW-Loerrach, Germany; DLR, Germany)
Agile World
Process Modeling and Simulation
Business Process Improvement
Process and Project Management
Poster Papers
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