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1st International Workshop on Modern Software Engineering Methods for Industrial Automation (MoSEMInA 2014), May 31, 2014, Hyderabad, India

MoSEMInA 2014 – Proceedings

Contents - Abstracts - Authors

1st International Workshop on Modern Software Engineering Methods for Industrial Automation (MoSEMInA 2014)

Title Page
Message from the Chairs
Software Engineering Issues Regarding Securing ICS: An Industrial Case Study
Abdullah Khalili, Ashkan Sami, Mahboobeh Ghiasi, Sara Moshtari, Zahra Salehi, and Mahdi Azimi
(Shiraz University, Iran)
Automated Testing of Industrial Automation Software: Practical Receipts and Lessons Learned
Rudolf Ramler, Werner Putschögl, and Dietmar Winkler
(Software Competence Center Hagenberg, Austria; Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
Practical Aspects of Building a Constrained Random Test Framework for Safety-Critical Embedded Systems
Dongjiang You, Isaac Amundson, Scott A. Hareland, and Sanjai Rayadurgam
(University of Minnesota, USA; Medtronic, USA)
A Security Test-Bed for Industrial Control Systems
Mahdi Azimi, Ashkan Sami, and Abdullah Khalili
(Shiraz University, Iran)
Delta Modeling for Variant-Rich and Evolving Manufacturing Systems
Matthias Kowal, Christoph Legat, David Lorefice, Christian Prehofer, Ina Schaefer, and Birgit Vogel-Heuser
(TU Braunschweig, Germany; TU München, Germany; fortiss, Germany)
Domain-Specific Modeling in Industrial Automation: Challenges and Experiences
Michael Moser, Michael Pfeiffer, and Josef Pichler
(Software Competence Center Hagenberg, Austria)
A Model-Driven Development Framework for Developing Sense-Compute-Control Applications
Pankesh Patel, Brice Morin, and Sanjay Chaudhary
(Ahmedabad University, India; SINTEF, Norway)
Model-Based Design of Cyber-Physical Software Systems for Smart Worlds: A Software Engineering Perspective
Kaliappa Ravindran and Ramesh Sethu
(City University of New York, USA; General Motors, USA)

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