ICSE 2013 Workshops
2013 35th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE)
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2013 3rd International Workshop on Developing Tools as Plug-Ins (TOPI)
May 21, 2013
San Francisco, CA, USA
TOPI 2013 – Proceedings
3rd International Workshop on Developing Tools as Plug-Ins (TOPI)
Title Page
Developing a Domain-Specific Plug-In for a Modelling Platform: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly
Lionel Montrieux
Yijun Yu
, and
Michel Wermelinger
(Open University, UK)
ReFit: A Fit Test Maintenance Plug-In for the Eclipse Refactoring Plug-In
Michael Druk
Martin Kropp
(Sapiens Int., Israel; FHNW, Switzerland)
Challenges in Developing a Software Architecture Evolution Tool as a Plug-In
Jeffrey M. Barnes
David Garlan
Towards Accessible Integration and Deployment of Formal Tools and Techniques
Andrei Lapets
Rick Skowyra
Azer Bestavros
, and
Assaf Kfoury
(Boston University, USA)
Integrating S6 Code Search and Code Bubbles
Steven P. Reiss
(Brown University, USA)
A CPI Breakdown Model Plug-In for Optimizing Application Performance
Rodrigo Fraxino Araujo
Daniel Barboza
Rafael Sene
Rafael Teixeira
Renato João
, and
Wainer Santos Moschetta
(IBM, Brazil)
TerraME GIMS: An Eclipse Plug-In for Environmental Modeling
Tiago Lima
Tiago Carneiro
Sergio Faria
Pablo Silva
, and
Miguel Pessoa
(UFOP, Brazil; UFMG, Brazil)
A Visual Studio Plug-In for CProver
Mohamed Nassim Seghir
Daniel Kroening
(University of Oxford, UK)
A Rigorous Methodology for Analyzing and Designing Plug-Ins
Marieta V. Fasie
Anne E. Haxthausen
, and
Joseph R. Kiniry
(DTU, Denmark)
Lightweight Tool Coordination: Path* - A Minimal Framework for Tool Coordination
Reid D. McKenzie
Dewayne E. Perry
(University of Texas at Austin, USA)
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