ICSE 2012 Workshops
2012 34th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE)
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2012 First International Workshop on Green and Sustainable Software (GREENS), June 3, 2012, Zurich, Switzerland

GREENS 2012 – Proceedings

Contents - Abstracts - Authors

First International Workshop on Green and Sustainable Software (GREENS)


Title Page

Energy Efficiency: Estimating, Reporting, Governance

Estimating Android Applications' CPU Energy Usage via Bytecode Profiling
Shuai Hao, Ding Li, William G. J. Halfond, and Ramesh Govindan
(University of Southern California, USA)
Approximating Quality Contracts for Energy Auto-tuning Software
Sebastian Götz, Claas Wilke, Sebastian Richly, and Uwe Aßmann
(TU Dresden, Germany)
GMoCA: Green Mobile Cloud Applications
Yan Gu, Verdi March, and Bu Sung Lee
(Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, Singapore)
A Preliminary Study of the Impact of Software Engineering on GreenIT
Adel Noureddine, Aurelien Bourdon, Romain Rouvoy, and Lionel Seinturier
(INRIA, France; University of Lille, France; IUF, France)
EoD Designer: A Computation Tool for Energy Optimization of Data Centers
Cyrill Grüter, Peter Gysel, Matthias Krebs, and Christoph Meier
(FHNW, Switzerland)

Green Thinking at All Levels

Energy-Efficient Synchronization through Program Patterns
Yu David Liu
(SUNY Binghamton, USA)
Energy Management in Embedded Systems: Towards a Taxonomy
Umesh Balaji Kothandapani Ramesh, Severine Sentilles, and Ivica Crnković
(Mälardalen University, Sweden)
An Energy Consumption Model and Analysis Tool for Cloud Computing Environments
FeiFei Chen, Jean-Guy Schneider, Yun Yang, John Grundy, and Qiang He
(Swinburne University of Technology, Australia)
How to Measure Energy-Efficiency of Software: Metrics and Measurement Results
Timo Johann, Markus Dick, Stefan Naumann, and Eva Kern
(Trier University of Applied Sciences, Germany)
Initial Explorations on Design Pattern Energy Usage
Cagri Sahin, Furkan Cayci, Irene Lizeth Manotas Gutiérrez, James Clause, Fouad Kiamilev, Lori Pollock, and Kristina Winbladh
(University of Delaware, USA)
Aligning Economic Impact with Environmental Benefits: A Green Strategy Model
Qing Gu, Patricia Lago, and Simone Potenza
(VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Architecting Ultra-Large-Scale Green Information Systems
Hong-Mei Chen and Rick Kazman
(University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA; SEI/CMU, USA)

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