ICSE 2011 Workshops
33rd International Conference on Software Engineering
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Sixth International Workshop on Automation of Software Test (AST 2011), May 23-24, 2011, Waikiki, Honolulu, HI, USA

AST 2011 – Proceedings

Contents - Abstracts - Authors

Sixth International Workshop on Automation of Software Test (AST 2011)


Title Page

Model-Based Testing

Metamorphic Testing of a Monte Carlo Modeling Program
Junhua Ding and Xin-Hua Hu
(East Carolina University, USA; Dakota State University, USA)
Abstracting Timing Information in UML State Charts via Temporal Ordering and LOTOS
Valentin Chimisliu and Franz Wotawa
(TU Graz, Austria)
Scalable Graph Analyzing Approach for Software Fault-Localization
Mojtaba Vahidi-Asl and Saeed Parsa
(Iran University of Science and Technology, Iran)

Testing for Web and Service-Based Systems

Design of Intelligent Agents for Collaborative Testing of Service-Based Systems
Xiaoying Bai, Bin Chen, and Yunzhan Gong
(Tsinghua University, China; Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China)
A Comparative Evaluation of State-of-the-Art Web Service Composition Testing Approaches
Hazlifah Mohd Rusli and Sayed Gholam Hassan Tabatabaei
(Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia; Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia)

Test Strategies I

A Comfortable TestPlayer for Analyzing Statistical Usage Testing Strategies
Winfried Dulz
(University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany)
Automatically Testing Interactive Multimodal Systems Using Task Trees and Fusion Models
Laya Madani and Ioannis Parissis
(University Al Baath, Syria and Laboratoire d’Informatique de Grenoble, France; University of Grenoble and Grenoble INP - LCIS, France)
Using Conditional Mutation to Increase the Efficiency of Mutation Analysis
René Just, Gregory M. Kapfhammer, and Franz Schweiggert
(Ulm University, Germany; Allegheny College, USA)

Test Strategies II

Better Predicate Testing
Gary Kaminski and Jeff Offutt
(George Mason University, USA)
Hazard-based Selection of Test Cases
Mario Gleirscher
(TU München, Germany)

Applications of Testing I

Automated Testing of Industrial Control Devices: The Delphi Database
Nate Kube and Daniel Hoffman
(Wurldtech Security Technologies, Canada; University of Victoria, Canada)
Automating GUI Testing for Android Applications
Cuixiong Hu and Iulian Neamtiu
(UC Riverside, USA)

Applications of Testing II

Selection and Execution of User Level Test Cases for Energy Cost Evaluation of Smartphones
Rajesh Palit and Ajit Singh
(University of Waterloo, Canada)
Testing an Optimising Compiler by Generating Random Lambda Terms
Michał H. Pałka, Koen Claessen, Alejandro Russo, and John Hughes
(Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden; Quviq AB, Sweden)
Model-Driven Design and Validation of Embedded Software
Giuseppe Di Guglielmo, Masahiro Fujita, Luigi Di Guglielmo, and Andreas Foltinek
(The University of Tokyo, Japan; University of Verona, Italy; STM Products srl, Italy; IMACS GmbH, Germany)

Poster Session 1

Test Data to Reduce the Complexity of Unit Test Automation
Guy Collins Ndem, Abbas Tahir, and Helmut Goetz
(Siemens AG, Germany)
A Framework for Automatic Functional Testing Based on Formal Specifications
Shaoying Liu and Shin Nakajima
(Hosei University, Japan; NII, Japan)

Poster Session 2

Towards Automated Testing of Web Service Choreographies
Felipe M. Besson, Pedro M. B. Leal, Fabio Kon, Alfredo Goldman, and Dejan Milojicic
(University of São Paulo, Brazil; Hewlett Packard Laboratories, USA)
monadWS: A Monad-Based Testing Tool for Web Services
Yingzhou Zhang and Changhai Nie
(Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China; Nanjing University, China)
Towards Automated Oracles for GUI Input Validation
Gabriel L. Zenarosa and Regis J. Leonard
(University of Pittsburgh, USA)

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