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33rd International Conference on Software Engineering,
May 21–28, 2011,
Waikiki, Honolulu, HI, USA
Technical / Research Track
Testing the Waters I
Surfing the Dependability Wave
Refactoring Your Lei I
Comprehending the Drift I
Debugging the Surf
Angelic Debugging
Satish Chandra,
Emina Torlak,
Shaon Barman, and
Rastislav Bodik
(IBM Research, USA; UC Berkeley, USA)
Empirical Luau I
Far-out Surfware Engineering
Riding the Design Wave I
Program Surfing I
Developer Waves
Outrigger Models and Clones
Surfer Model Checking
Comprehending the Drift II
Testing the Waters II
Riding the Design Wave II
Refactoring Your Lei II
Empirical Luau II
Empirical Assessment of MDE in Industry
John Hutchinson,
Jon Whittle,
Mark Rouncefield, and
Steinar Kristoffersen
(Lancaster University, UK; Østfold University College, Norway; Møreforskning Molde AS, Norway)
Program Surfing II
Comprehending the Drift III
Web Surfing
Testing the Waters III
Software Engineering in Practice
Empirical Software Engineering
Industry Software Architecture
Software Engineering at Large
Software Metrics
Software Testing and Analysis
Tools and Environments
An Industrial Case Study on Quality Impact Prediction for Evolving Service-Oriented Software
Heiko Koziolek,
Bastian Schlich,
Carlos Bilich,
Roland Weiss,
Steffen Becker,
Klaus Krogmann,
Mircea Trifu,
Raffaela Mirandola, and
Anne Koziolek
(ABB Corporate Research, Germany; University of Paderborn, Germany; FZI, Germany; Politecnico di Milano, Italy; KIT, Germany)
New Ideas and Emerging Results
Tools & Languages
Verification 1
Testing & Debugging
Program Analysis 1
Design Traceability
Modeling (or not)
Empirical SE
Program Analysis 2
Verification 2
Different Angles
Research Demonstrations
DemoSurf: Software Analysis and Model Evolution
Wed, May 25, 10:45 - 12:15, South Pacific 3-4 (Chair: Andy Zaidman)
DemoSun: Dynamic Software Updates and Analysis
Wed, May 25, 13:45 - 15:15, South Pacific 3-4 (Chair: George Spanoudakis)
JavAdaptor: Unrestricted Dynamic Software Updates for Java
Mario Pukall,
Alexander Grebhahn,
Reimar Schröter,
Christian Kästner,
Walter Cazzola, and
Sebastian Götz
(University of Magdeburg, Germany; Philipps-University Marburg, Germany; University of Milano, Italy; University of Dresden, Germany)
DemoSky: Software Testing and Quality Assessment
Thu, May 26, 10:45 - 12:15, South Pacific 3-4 (Chair: John Grundy)
ReAssert: A Tool for Repairing Broken Unit Tests
Brett Daniel,
Danny Dig,
Tihomir Gvero,
Vilas Jagannath,
Johnston Jiaa,
Damion Mitchell,
Jurand Nogiec,
Shin Hwei Tan, and
Darko Marinov
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA; EPFL, Switzerland)
DemoSand: Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Software Engineering
Fri, May 27, 08:30 - 10:00, South Pacific 3-4 (Chair: Andrew Begel)
Using MATCON to Generate CASE Tools That Guide Deployment of Pre-Packaged Applications
Elad Fein,
Natalia Razinkov,
Shlomit Shachor,
Pietro Mazzoleni,
Sweefen Goh,
Richard Goodwin,
Manisha Bhandar,
Shyh-Kwei Chen,
Juhnyoung Lee,
Vibha Singhal Sinha,
Senthil Mani,
Debdoot Mukherjee,
Biplav Srivastava, and
Pankaj Dhoolia
(IBM Research Haifa, Israel; IBM Research Watson, USA; IBM Research, India)
DemoShore: Software Development and Maintenance
Fri, May 27, 10:30 - 12:00, South Pacific 3-4 (Chair: Andrea Zisman)
CodeTopics: Which Topic am I Coding Now?
Malcom Gethers,
Trevor Savage,
Massimiliano Di Penta,
Rocco Oliveto,
Denys Poshyvanyk, and
Andrea De Lucia
(College of William and Mary, USA; CMU, USA; University of Sannio, Italy; University of Molise, Italy; University of Salerno, Italy)
Impact Project Focus Area
Symbolic Execution for Software Testing in Practice -- Preliminary Assessment
Cristian Cadar,
Patrice Godefroid,
Sarfraz Khurshid,
Corina S. Păsăreanu,
Koushik Sen,
Nikolai Tillmann, and
Willem Visser
(Imperial College London, UK; Microsoft Research, USA; University of Texas at Austin, USA; CMU, USA; NASA Ames Research Center, USA; UC Berkeley, USA; Stellenbosch University, South Africa)
Technical Briefings
Doctoral Symposium
Mature Phase Extended Abstracts
Early Phase Extended Abstracts
ACM Student Research Competition
Workshop Summaries
Workshop on Flexible Modeling Tools (FlexiTools 2011)
Harold Ossher,
André van der Hoek,
Margaret-Anne Storey,
John Grundy,
Rachel Bellamy, and
Marian Petre
(IBM Research Watson, USA; UC Irvine, USA; University of Victoria, Canada; Swinburne University of Technology at Hawthorn, Australia; The Open University, UK)
Fourth International Workshop on Software Engineering for Computational Science and Engineering (SE-CSE 2011)
Jeffrey C. Carver,
Roscoe Bartlett,
Ian Gorton,
Lorin Hochstein,
Diane Kelly, and
Judith Segal
(University of Alabama, USA; Sandia National Laboratories, USA; Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA; USC-ISI, USA; Royal Military College, Canada; The Open University, UK)
SCORE Student Contest
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