ICFP Workshops 2020
25th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP 2020)
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19th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Erlang (Erlang 2020)
August 23, 2020
Virtual Event, USA
Erlang 2020 – Proceedings
19th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Erlang (Erlang 2020)
Title Page
Message from the Chairs
Machine-Checked Natural Semantics for Core Erlang: Exceptions and Side Effects
Péter Bereczky
Dániel Horpácsi
, and
Simon J. Thompson
(Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary; University of Kent, UK)
Publisher's Version
Teaching Practical Realistic Verification of Distributed Algorithms in Erlang with TLA+
Peter Zeller
Annette Bieniusa
, and
Carla Ferreira
(TU Kaiserslautern, Germany; Nova University of Lisbon, Portugal)
Publisher's Version
Transformations towards Clean Functional Code
Boldizsár Poór
Melinda Toth
, and
István Bozó
(Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary)
Publisher's Version
Secure Design and Verification of Erlang Systems
Viktória Fördős
(Cisco Systems, Sweden)
Publisher's Version
Clojerl: The Expressive Power of Clojure on the BEAM
Juan Facorro
Natalia Chechina
(Bournemouth University, UK)
Publisher's Version
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