ESEC/FSE 2020 Workshops
28th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 2020)
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4th ACM SIGSOFT International Workshop on Machine Learning Techniques for Software Quality Evaluation (MaLTeSQuE 2020), November 13, 2020, Virtual, USA

MaLTeSQuE 2020 – Proceedings

Contents - Abstracts - Authors

4th ACM SIGSOFT International Workshop on Machine Learning Techniques for Software Quality Evaluation (MaLTeSQuE 2020)


Title Page
Welcome from the Chairs


A Preliminary Study on the Adequacy of Static Analysis Warnings with Respect to Code Smell Prediction
Savanna Lujan, Fabiano Pecorelli, Fabio Palomba, Andrea De Lucia, and Valentina Lenarduzzi
(Tampere University, Finland; University of Salerno, Italy; LUT University, Finland)
Publisher's Version
DeepIaC: Deep Learning-Based Linguistic Anti-pattern Detection in IaC
Nemania Borovits, Indika Kumara, Parvathy Krishnan, Stefano Dalla Palma, Dario Di Nucci, Fabio Palomba, Damian A. Tamburri, and Willem-Jan van den Heuvel
(Tilburg University, Netherlands; JADS, Netherlands; Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands; University of Salerno, Italy)
Publisher's Version
Speeding Up the Data Extraction of Machine Learning Approaches: A Distributed Framework
Martin Steinhauer and Fabio Palomba
(University of Salerno, Italy)
Publisher's Version

Anomalies and Defects

RARE: A Labeled Dataset for Cloud-Native Memory Anomalies
Francesco Lomio, Diego Martínez Baselga, Sergio Moreschini, Heikki Huttunen, and Davide Taibi
(Tampere University, Finland)
Publisher's Version
TraceSim: A Method for Calculating Stack Trace Similarity
Roman Vasiliev, Dmitrij Koznov, George Chernishev, Aleksandr Khvorov, Dmitry Luciv, and Nikita Povarov
(JetBrains, Russia; Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia; ITMO University, Russia)
Publisher's Version
Singling the Odd Ones Out: A Novelty Detection Approach to Find Defects in Infrastructure-as-Code
Stefano Dalla Palma, Majid Mohammadi, Dario Di Nucci, and Damian A. Tamburri
(Tilburg University, Netherlands; JADS, Netherlands; Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands)
Publisher's Version

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