ESEC/FSE 2019 Workshops
27th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 2019)
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2nd ACM SIGSOFT International Workshop on Software Qualities and Their Dependencies (SQUADE 2019), August 26, 2019, Tallinn, Estonia

SQUADE 2019 – Proceedings

Contents - Abstracts - Authors

2nd ACM SIGSOFT International Workshop on Software Qualities and Their Dependencies (SQUADE 2019)


Title Page
Welcome from the Chairs


A Heuristic Fuzz Test Generator for Java Native Interface
Jinjing Zhao, Yan Wen, Xiang Li, Ling Pang, Xiaohui Kuang, and Dongxia Wang
(National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Information System Security, China; Beijing Linzhuo Infomation Technology, China)
Publisher's Version
A Comparative Study of FAQs for Software Development
Mathias Ellmann and Irmo Timmann
(DIPLOMA University of Applied Sciences at Bad Sooden-Allendorf, Germany)
Publisher's Version
Hospitality of Chatbot Building Platforms
Saurabh Srivastava and T.V. Prabhakar
(IIT Kanpur, India)
Publisher's Version
Integrating Runtime Data with Development Data to Monitor External Quality: Challenges from Practice
Aytaj Aghabayli, Dietmar Pfahl, Silverio Martínez-Fernández, and Adam Trendowicz
(University of Tartu, Estonia; Fraunhofer IESE, Germany)
Publisher's Version
Predicting Reliability by Severity and Priority of Defects
Camelia Serban and Andreea Vescan
(Babes-Bolyai University, Romania)
Publisher's Version
Contributors’ Impact on a FOSS Project’s Quality
Thomas Schranz, Christian Schindler, Matthias Müller, and Wolfgang Slany
(Graz University of Technology, Austria)
Publisher's Version

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