FSE 2016 Workshops
24th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE 2016)
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4th International Workshop on Release Engineering (RELENG 2016)
November 18, 2016
Seattle, WA, USA
RELENG 2016 – Proceedings
4th International Workshop on Release Engineering (RELENG 2016)
Title Page
Message from the Chairs
Integration and Release Processes
Analysis of Marketed versus Not-Marketed Mobile App Releases
Maleknaz Nayebi
Homayoon Farrahi
, and
Guenther Ruhe
(University of Calgary, Canada)
Adopting Continuous Delivery in AAA Console Games
Jafar Soltani
(Microsoft, UK)
System for Meta-Data Analysis using Prediction Based Constraints for Detecting Inconsistences in Release Process with Auto-Correction
Anant Bhushan
Pradeep R. Revankar
(Adobe Systems, India)
Build and Release Tooling
The SpudFarm: Converting Test Environments from Pets into Cattle
Benjamin Lau
(Renaissance Learning, USA)
Escaping AutoHell: A Vision for Automated Analysis and Migration of Autotools Build Systems
Jafar Al-Kofahi
Tien N. Nguyen
, and
Christian Kästner
(Iowa State University, USA; University of Texas at Dallas, USA; Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Building a Deploy System That Works at 40000 Feet
Kat Drobnjakovic
(Shopify, Canada)
GitWaterFlow: A Successful Branching Model and Tooling, for Achieving Continuous Delivery with Multiple Version Branches
Rayene Ben Rayana
Sylvain Killian
Nicolas Trangez
, and
Arnaud Calmettes
(Scality, France)
Your Build Data Is Precious, Don’t Waste It! Leverage It to Deliver Great Releases
Rishika Karira
Vinay Awasthi
(Adobe Systems, India)
Get Out of Git Hell: Preventing Common Pitfalls of Git
David A. Lippa
(Amazon, USA)
A Model Driven Method to Deploy Auto-scaling Configuration for Cloud Services
Hanieh Alipour
Yan Liu
(Concordia University, Canada)
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