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2013 1st International Workshop on Software Ecosystem Architectures (WEA)
August 19, 2013
Saint Petersburg, Russia
WEA 2013 – Proceedings
2013 1st International Workshop on Software Ecosystem Architectures (WEA)
Title Page
Categorizing Developer Information Needs in Software Ecosystems
Nicole Haenni
Mircea Lungu
Niko Schwarz
, and
Oscar Nierstrasz
(University of Bern, Switzerland)
How Quality Attributes of Software Platform Architectures Influence Software Ecosystems
Slinger Jansen
(Utrecht University, Netherlands)
Extensibility in Ecosystem Architectures: An Initial Study
Simone da Silva Amorim
Eduardo Santana de Almeida
, and
John D. McGregor
(UFBA, Brazil; Clemson University, USA)
WEON: Towards a softWare Ecosystem ONtology
Claudio Gutierrez
Romain Robbes
(University of Chile, Chile)
Elements of Software Ecosystem Early-Stage Design for Collective Intelligence Systems
Juergen Musil
Angelika Musil
, and
Stefan Biffl
(Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
Towards an Integrated Service-Oriented Reference Enterprise Architecture
Alfred Zimmermann
Kurt Sandkuhl
Michael Pretz
Michael Falkenthal
Dierk Jugel
, and
Matthias Wissotzki
(Reutlingen University, Germany; University of Rostock, Germany; Daimler, Germany)
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