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Conference Publishing Consulting
2013 5th International Workshop on Social Software Engineering (SSE)
August 18, 2013
Saint Petersburg, Russia
SSE 2013 – Proceedings
2013 5th International Workshop on Social Software Engineering (SSE)
Title Page
Uncovering Critical Coordination Requirements through Content Analysis
Kelly Blincoe
Giuseppe Valetto
, and
Daniela Damian
(Drexel University, USA; University of Victoria, Canada)
Dynamic Networked Organizations for Software Engineering
Damian A. Tamburri
Remco de Boer
Elisabetta Di Nitto
Patricia Lago
, and
Hans van Vliet
(VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands; ArchiXL, Netherlands; Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
Can Social Awareness Foster Trust Building in Global Software Teams?
Fabio Calefato
Filippo Lanubile
, and
Francesco Sportelli
(University of Bari, Italy)
Why Is Collaboration Needed in OSS Projects? A Case Study of Eclipse Project
Hironori Hayashi
Akinori Ihara
Akito Monden
, and
Ken-ichi Matsumoto
(NAIST, Japan)
Geo-Locating the Knowledge Transfer in StackOverflow
Dennis Schenk
Mircea Lungu
(University of Bern, Switzerland)
What Type of Thread Can Get Feedback in OSS User Mailing List?
Akinori Ihara
Yuji Tsuda
, and
Ken-ichi Matsumoto
(NAIST, Japan)
A New Perspective on the Socialness in Bug Triaging: A Case Study of the Eclipse Platform Project
Masao Ohira
Hayato Yoshiyuki
(Wakayama University, Japan)
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