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Future of Software Engineering (FOSE 2014), May 31 – June 7, 2014, Hyderabad, India

FOSE 2014 – Proceedings

Contents - Abstracts - Authors


Title Page
Message of the Chairs

Future of Software Engineering

Software Process
Alfonso Fuggetta and Elisabetta Di Nitto
(Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
Software Engineering for Mobility: Reflecting on the Past, Peering into the Future
Gian Pietro Picco, Christine Julien, Amy L. Murphy, Mirco Musolesi, and Gruia-Catalin Roman
(University of Trento, Italy; University of Texas at Austin, USA; Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy; University of Birmingham, UK; University of New Mexico, USA)
Software Architecture: A Travelogue
David Garlan
(Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Software Services: A Research Roadmap
Satish Chandra, Vibha Singhal Sinha, Saurabh Sinha, and Krishna Ratakonda
(Samsung Electronics, USA; IBM Research, India; IBM Research, USA)
Software Traceability: Trends and Future Directions
Jane Cleland-Huang, Orlena C. Z. Gotel, Jane Huffman Hayes, Patrick Mäder, and Andrea Zisman
(DePaul University, USA; University of Kentucky, USA; TU Ilmenau, Germany; Open University, UK)
Software Product Line Engineering and Variability Management: Achievements and Challenges
Andreas Metzger and Klaus Pohl
(University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
Engineering Big Data Solutions
Audris Mockus
(Avaya Labs Research, USA)
The (R)Evolution of Social Media in Software Engineering
Margaret-Anne Storey, Leif Singer, Brendan Cleary, Fernando Figueira Filho, and Alexey Zagalsky
(University of Victoria, Canada; Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil)
Software Testing: A Research Travelogue (2000–2014)
Alessandro Orso and Gregg Rothermel
(Georgia Tech, USA; University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA)
Software Evolution and Maintenance
Václav Rajlich
(Wayne State University, USA)
How Programming Languages Will Co-evolve with Software Engineering: A Bright Decade Ahead
Emerson Murphy-Hill and Dan Grossman
(North Carolina State University, USA; University of Washington, USA)
Software Engineering and Automated Deduction
Willem Visser, Nikolaj Bjørner, and Natarajan Shankar
(Stellenbosch University, South Africa; Microsoft Research, USA; SRI Computer Science Lab, USA)
Probabilistic Programming
Andrew D. Gordon, Thomas A. Henzinger, Aditya V. Nori, and Sriram K. Rajamani
(Microsoft Research, UK; IST Austria, Austria; Microsoft Research, India)
Certifiably Safe Software-Dependent Systems: Challenges and Directions
John Hatcliff, Alan Wassyng, Tim Kelly, Cyrille Comar, and Paul Jones
(Kansas State University, USA; McMaster University, Canada; University of York, UK; AdaCore, France; US Food and Drug Administration, USA)
Future of End-User Software Engineering: Beyond the Silos
Margaret M. Burnett and Brad A. Myers
(Oregon State University, USA; Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
The Past, Present, and Future of MOOCs and Their Relevance to Software Engineering
Balakrishnan Dasarathy, Kevin Sullivan, Douglas C. Schmidt, Douglas H. Fisher, and Adam Porter
(University of Maryland University College, USA; University of Virginia, USA; Vanderbilt University, USA; University of Maryland at College Park, USA)

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