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2014 IEEE 27th Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T), April 23-25, 2014, Klagenfurt, Austria

CSEE&T 2014 – Proceedings

Contents - Abstracts - Authors
Online Calendar - iCal File


Title Page
Message from the Chairs


The Times, They Are a Changing
Dennis J. Frailey
(Southern Methodist University, USA)

Academic Research

Thu, Apr 24, 11:00 - 12:30, HS B

Industrial Case Studies in Graduate Requirements Engineering Courses: The Impact on Student Motivation
Marian Daun, Andrea Salmon, Bastian Tenbergen, Thorsten Weyer, and Klaus Pohl
(University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
Using Business Process Models to Foster Competencies in Requirements Engineering
Yvonne Sedelmaier and Dieter Landes
(University of Applied Sciences and Arts Coburg, Germany)
Teaching Modeling using Umple: Principles for the Development of an Effective Tool
Timothy C. Lethbridge
(University of Ottawa, Canada)

Educational Strategy
Thu, Apr 24, 14:00 - 15:30, HS B

Cloud Computing Education Strategies
Hongyu Pei Breivold and Ivica Crnković
(ABB Research, Sweden; Mälardalen University, Sweden)
The Flipped Classroom Experience
Pang Nai Kiat and Yap Tat Kwong
(Nanyang Polytechnic, Singapore)
The Synergy of Engineering and Research Aspects in Software Engineering Education
Abir Benabid and Ghada AL-Houdhoud
(King Saud University, Saudi Arabia)
Increasing the Effectiveness of Teaching Software Engineering: A University and Industry Partnership
Aldo Dagnino
(ABB Research, USA)

Design to Validation
Thu, Apr 24, 16:00 - 17:30, HS B

InspectorX: A Game for Software Inspection Training and Learning
Henrique Pötter, Marcelo Schots, Leticia Duboc, and Vera Werneck
(UERJ, Brazil; UFRJ, Brazil)
Teaching Analysis of Software Designs using Dependency Graphs
Kevin Steppe
(Singapore Management University, Singapore)

Educational Style
Fri, Apr 25, 10:30 - 12:00, HS B

Observations of a Software Engineering Studio: Reflecting with the Studio Framework
Christopher N. Bull and Jon Whittle
(Lancaster University, UK)
Enhancing the Software Engineering Curriculums: A Case Study of the Jordanian Universities
Samer Hanna, Hayat Jaber, Fawze Abu Jaber, Tarek Al Shalaby, and Ayad Almasalmeh
(Philadelphia University Jordan, Jordan)
Automated Mentor Assignment in Blended Learning Environments
Chris Boesch and Kevin Steppe
(Singapore Management University, Singapore)

Project Management
Fri, Apr 25, 13:30 - 15:00, HS B

Improving Teamwork in Students Software Projects
Maíra Marques and Sergio F. Ochoa
(University of Chile, Chile)
An Experiment on Teaching Coordination in a Globally Distributed Software Engineering Class
Martin Nordio, H.-Christian Estler, Bertrand Meyer, Nazareno Aguirre, Elisabetta Di Nitto, Rafael Prikladnicki, and Anthony Savidis
(ETH Zurich, Switzerland; Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto, Argentina; Politecnico di Milano, Italy; PUCRS, Brazil; University of Crete, Greece)
The Impacts of Personal Characteristic on Educational Effectiveness in Controlled-Project Based Learning on Software Intensive Systems Development
Yusuke Yamada, Shota Inaga, Hironori Washizaki, Katsuhiko Kakehi, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Shoso Yamato, Masashi Okubo, Teruhiko Kume, and Manabu Tamaki
(Waseda University, Japan; University of Tsukuba, Japan; NEC, Japan)

Fri, Apr 25, 15:30 - 16:50, HS B

Where Does Experience Matter in Software Process Education? An Experience Report
Guoping Rong, He Zhang, and Dong Shao
(Nanjing University, China)
Teaching and Learning Agile Collaboration
Martin Kropp, Magdalena Mateescu, Andreas Meier, and Carmen Zahn
(University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, Switzerland; Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland)
Enhancing Software Engineering Student Team Engagement in a High-Intensity Extreme Programming Course using Gamification
Bilal Sercan Akpolat and Wolfgang Slany
(Graz University of Technology, Austria)


Workshop 1: Learning and Working Together as Prerequisites for the Development of High-Quality Software
Wed, Apr 23, 09:00 - 12:30, E.2.42

Learning and Working Together as Prerequisites for the Development of High-Quality Software
Gabriele Frankl, Sofie Bitter, and Bonifaz Kaufmann
(University of Klagenfurt, Austria)
Improving Model-Based Collaboration by Social Media Integration
Wolfgang Gaar and Egon Teiniker
(University of Applied Sciences Joanneum, Austria)
Win-for-All in Software Engineering Education: Balancing Social Dilemmas to Foster Collaboration
Gabriele Frankl, Sofie Bitter, and Bonifaz Kaufmann
(University of Klagenfurt, Austria)

Workshop 2: Technology-Driven Software Engineering Curriculum Development
Wed, Apr 23, 14:00 - 17:30, E.2.42

Technology-Driven Software Engineering Curriculum Development
Emanuel S. Grant and Venky Shankararaman
(University of North Dakota, USA; Singapore Management University, Singapore)
Reshaping Software Engineering Education towards 2020 Engineers
Inggriani Liem, Yudistira Asnar, Saiful Akbar, Adi Mulyanto, and Yani Widyani
(Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia)
Teaching Software Product Engineering in Undergraduate Computing Curriculum
Y. Raghu Reddy and Kesav V. Nori
(IIIT Hyderabad, India)
Opportunities and Challenges in Using Competencies during Design and Delivery of Software Engineering Curriculum
Venky Shankararaman and Joelle Ducrot
(Singapore Management University, Singapore)

Workshop 3: Workshop on Improving the CSEE&T Submissions Process
Thu, Apr 24, 14:00 - 17:30, E.2.42

Workshop on Improving the CSEE&T Submissions Process
Michael Barker
(NAIST, Japan)

The Academy for Software Engineering Education and Training (ASEE&T)

ASEE&T Session 1
Wed, Apr 23, 09:00 - 10:30, HS B

Experience of Teaching Executive Master's Program in Software Engineering: Challenges, Lessons Learned, and Path Forward
W. Eric Wong
(University of Texas at Dallas, USA)
Self-Guided Learning Environment for Undergraduate Software Engineering
Junhua Ding
(East Carolina University, USA)
An Active Learning Module for an Introduction to Software Engineering Course
A. Frank Ackerman
(Montana Tech, USA)

ASEE&T Session 2
Wed, Apr 23, 11:00 - 12:30, HS B

The Impact of SWEBOK Version 3 on Software Engineering Education and Training
Richard E. Fairley, Pierre Bourque, and John Keppler
(S2EA, USA; École de Technologie Supérieure, Canada; IEEE Computer Society, USA)
Top-10 Risks in Real-Client Software Engineering Class Projects
Supannika Koolmanojwong
(University of Southern California, USA)
Teaching Semantic Technologies as Part of a Software Development Program
Andreas L. Opdahl
(University of Bergen, Norway)

Thu, Apr 24, 11:00 - 12:30, HS A

Panel on Industrial Needs and Educational Response
Roland T. Mittermeir
(University of Klagenfurt, Austria)

Wed, Apr 23, 14:00 - 17:30, HS B

Combining Software Engineering Education and Empirical Research via Instrumented Real-Client Team Project Courses
Barry Boehm and Supannika Koolmanojwong
(University of Southern California, USA)

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