ASE 2016 Workshops
31st IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2016)
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1st International Workshop on Software Refactoring (IWoR 2016)
September 4, 2016
Singapore, Singapore
IWoR 2016 – Proceedings
1st International Workshop on Software Refactoring (IWoR 2016)
Title Page
Message from the Chairs
Architecture, Detection, and Evaluation
Refactoring for Software Architecture Smells
Ganesh Samarthyam
Girish Suryanarayana
, and
Tushar Sharma
(CodeOps Technologies, India; Siemens, India; Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece)
Empirical Evaluation of Code Smells in Open Source Projects: Preliminary Results
Aziz Nanthaamornphong
Apatta Chaisutanon
(Prince of Songkla University, Thailand)
Measuring Refactoring Benefits: A Survey of the Evidence
Mel Ó Cinnéide
Aiko Yamashita
, and
Steve Counsell
(University College Dublin, Ireland; Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, Norway; Brunel University, UK)
Graph-Based Approach for Detecting Impure Refactoring from Version Commits
Shogo Tsutsumi
Eunjong Choi
Norihiro Yoshida
, and
Katsuro Inoue
(Osaka University, Japan; NAIST, Japan; Nagoya University, Japan)
Models and Application
Refactoring Verification using Model Transformation
Makoto Ichii
Daisuke Shimbara
Yasufumi Suzuki
, and
Hideto Ogawa
(Hitachi, Japan)
Automated Translation among EPSILON Languages for Performance-Driven UML Software Model Refactoring
Davide Arcelli
Vittorio Cortellessa
, and
Daniele Di Pompeo
(University of L'Aquila, Italy)
Full Application of the Extract Interface Refactoring: Conceptual Structures in the Hands of Master Students
Marianne Huchard
(LIRMM, France; CNRS, France; University of Montpellier, France)
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