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2013 28th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE),
November 11-15, 2013,
Palo Alto, USA
Author Instructions for Camera-Ready Articles
Action Items
- Exhaustively consider reviewer comments. Make sure you have
done your best to address the comments in the reviews of your paper.
- Please submit your paper by the deadline specified in your acceptance-notification e-mail.
- Submit the publishing-rights to the publisher via the online publishing-rights system.
The link can be found on the submission page.
- For conferences/workshops: Register at least one author for attending the event.
General Formatting
Make sure your paper:
- is based on the most recent version of the formatting template/style (see details below),
- does not change any style or formatting settings of the template,
- does not exceed the page limit specified in the acceptance-notification e-mail,
- is in PDF format,
- has all fonts embedded in the PDF file,
- uses only scalable font types (like Type 1, TrueType) --- bit-mapped font types (like Type 3) are not acceptable,
- does not have page numbers, headers, or footers,
- is in letter page size,
provides the affiliation (institution and country) in the author information on the first page,
defines all authors individually (not as a list),
has the title and all headings properly capitalized,
does not use footnotes and references in the abstract,
provides a DOI for each item in the References section (if possible),
has all diagrams embedded in vector graphics
(if not possible, use a high-resolution bitmap format of at least 300 dpi;
do not use JPG, but a lossless format like PNG or GIF; JPG is ok for photos),
has all text in figures and tables large enough and readable when printed,
has a caption for every figure or table,
has all units consistently separated from their values with a half space (e.g., '\SI{33}{GB}'),
- has balanced columns on the last page, if the page is not filled,
- uses the microtype package using
for improved typesetting,
has no orphans and widows,
has reduced the use of bold face and bright colors in the text as much as possible, underlining is not used at all in the text,
has all third-party material appropriately attributed (mention author, copyright holder, and origin).
General help and more detailed advice on formatting papers can be found on our Help page.
Conference/Publisher-Specific Requirements
The format of your paper must strictly adhere to the proceedings format.
LaTeX users, please use the
LaTeX class file IEEEtran v1.8b, 2015, or newer
(CTAN archive)
and the following configuration
(without option 'compsoc' or 'compsocconf'):
Word users, please use this Word template
(see also the corresponding PDF file for comparison).
Note: There are several versions of the IEEE style.
Please make sure you use exactly the versions that are linked to above.
Before submitting your paper as camera-ready, please check off the following items
(this is not a complete list and does not replace the IEEE style guide,
but serves as a list of frequently noticed issues):
The text height must not exceed 23.5 cm. The text width must not exceed 18.4 cm.
The title should not contain special characters (e.g., em-dash, question mark or exclamation mark).
All text and headings should be type-set using the serif font Times New Roman (or metric-compatible).
Font size is 24 point for the title.
Font size is 10 point for all body text and acknowledgments.
Font size is 9 point for abstract and index terms.
Font size is 8 point for captions (if you use the package 'subfig',
add \usepackage[font=footnotesize]{caption}
before \usepackage{subfig}).
Font size is 8 or 9 point for references.
Text (with links) should be printed in black, not blue, and not underlined.
References: The reference text on the second and following lines should be indented.
The first reference must not run into the heading "REFERENCES".
There should be no extra empty line between references.
Text, tables, and figures (also headings, program code, and formulas) must not run into
the margins outside the text area and between the columns.
There should be no extra empty line between paragraphs.
Tables have their caption above; figures and listings have the caption below.
There must not be a horizontal line between the caption of a figure/table and the main body text,
but there must be some vertical white space.
Equations and formulas should be typeset and should not be imported as pictures.
Last page must have balanced columns, if the page is not filled.
If you have any question regarding the proceedings,
please contact us by replying to the author-kit e-mail that you have received.
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